Monday, September 26, 2011

Wait... I have a BLOG?!?

I completely forgot about the 4 people who read this on a semi-annual basis!

I know, I know, your life has kind of been put on hold since I last posted, just waiting on some story that would make most people feel much better about their life, right? Ha! Yeah, I'm laughing at that one too. But as your life has surely gone on, so has mine. So to catch you up, I'll give you a brief synopsis:

Summer happened.
Kids survived.
I survived (barely).
Finlay walked.
Then turned One.
Hazelle started Kindergarten.
Isla started Preschool.
We got a kitten named Blu.

And now we are nearing October. And I have one more big thing, for me anyway. NO. I am not pregnant. In fact, I am happily starting to gather up the newborn/baby stuff and giving it away, something I thought would send me into despair. But no, just the opposite. One of the side effects of being in a 1400 sf. house with 5 people and a cat? Space = Happiness.

The big thing? I'm starting back to work. Next week. Just about 10 hours a week, but it's so strange . This job of being a full-time mom, this terrain I was so afraid to tread, this place that I unwillingly went, but stayed at is coming to a slow end, much like the warm summer days of 2011. I realize that the black hole of staying at home has spit me out a happier, better person.

No longer do I think that my job should get more attention that my 3 year old. No longer do I value the opinions of my superiors more than my husband. No longer do I look down upon the lifestyle I had no training for, but had completely submersed myself in. I have respect for life. I have confidence in myself. And because of those changes, we have a happier family.

3 years ago I was in a different place. Treading water. Closing my eyes and wishing it away.
Being laid off and at home forced my eyes open and allowed me to watch my kids through the most amazing, growing times in their life. I no longer tread water, some days it damn near feels like I walk on it.

Anyway, I feel good about things. And I feel best at the monumental shift that happened, just in time. Because you really never do get those things back. Work will always be there, your kids won't. Thank you Universe for allowing me to learn that lesson.

I feel like I just took the training wheels off my wisdom bike :)