Monday, April 5, 2010

Roller Coasters

I used to like roller coasters, until one day. One day, I woke up and thought to myself, "Why all the drama? I like the ground, a flat even ground for which I know I will not fall farther than my height." And that was it. Not that I'm scared or despise them, I just prefer my feet... on the ground. I somewhat consider that the day I became a boring adult.

Hence this week. It's nothing really but I feel like I've been strapped to the front of a roller coaster again and I'm anticipating that ride. But the thing is, I'm not sure if I'm going to like it. My mind is going a million miles an hour thinking of all the possibilities, just to make sure I'm not blindsided by one that I hadn't considered. What if it has loops? What if it suddenly goes backwards? What if it stops in the middle and I can't get down?

Yes, I really did go there. But anyway, of course I'm not talking about a REAL roller coaster. We have our all-important ultrasound on Wednesday morning and are patiently waiting on feedback from our one and only house showing on Saturday. And we have another showing tomorrow morning. I'm incredibly nervous and anxious about both, any and all, to the point I'm almost in tears with anticipation. What if something is wrong with the baby? What if the people looked at our house and thought, "This place is a dump! They're asking WHAT for it?!? They're never going to sell..." What if we don't sell... ever? What if if I give birth to a two headed alien? I don't know. It's just all negative. Like that big black rain seen above any cartoon character's head. I have officially turned into Charlie Brown. Good grief.

1 comment:

  1. Awh, I remember worrying a lot with Serif. i felt bad to think so many scary things. Everything will be okay. I'm praying that all goes well for you guys! Just remember to keep a little distance from Pig Pen.
