Monday, May 3, 2010

Queen of Turdland

Tomorrow is May 4th.... in my home that means it's Isla's birthday! Or the day she decided to finally fall out of me without anyone being in the hospital room. Thank God I found that call button and was able to eek out 'Umm, I think I need some help please'. Anyway. This is the momentous SECOND birthday. Yes, my sweet angel face has now officially entered the terrible two's. But most experienced parents know this starts much sooner and lasts much, much longer than a year. Today it's like she KNOWS it's her day to officially enter that right of passage where you can be a total turd and people will just chalk it up to being two.

All of a sudden she shrieks like a cat getting stepped on, won't eat anything but constantly tells me she's hungry, ignores what we tell her and thinks it's hilarious to run parking lots with moving vehicles. Oh, and thinks any kind of shopping cart is a boat to which she must abandon ship. Turd, turd, turd.

This might be especially hard because I've been at home with her and we've had a special bond since she was in my womb. Ben lovingly (not really, more like sarcastically) refers to her as my 'third boob'. "Boober's world is going to implode when you have that baby". Thanks hon... let's just add GUILT to that growing list of hormonal emotions. Anyway, it's frustrating to say the least as well as a little sad. No, really it's just frustrating I guess because I'm getting huge and she's trying to take a flying leap from a Target shopping cart into the path of a moving vehicle while screaming, 'FOOD! HUNGRY!' *sigh* Only 2 more years before she becomes manageable...

Speaking of the baby, a few of you have asked for updates and I can give some GOOD NEWS! We had our level 2 ultrasound last Wednesday and everything the last ultrasound tech was worried about turned out to be fine. The little one (now weighing in at 1lb 4ozs) is coming along great and likes to move and shake it's booty. We're getting excited but a bit freaked out now because in just a few short weeks we'll be in the third trimester... otherwise known as 'when Stef gets huge as a house and grumpy as an ogre'. Not so much the celebrated thing, but we all got to pay our dues huh?

Oh crap, gotta go... I just heard Hazelle say, "Isla, do you want me to jump over your head?" Isla said 'Uh huh!' Sugar and spice my ass.

(Note: when I got off here I discovered Isla in the bathroom without her diaper on. She said, "Poop" and pointed to the toliet where a turd was. I was about ready to fall over with disbelief and awe until I noticed that she had actually pooped in her diaper, took it off and picked her poop out and deposited it in the toliet. This was noticed after a saw poop on her hands and on the floor beside a turd which had gotten left behind. She was at the sink bare-butted trying to wash her hands. I can't make this stuff up. I'm going to throw up now.)

And you might wonder why I don't blog more...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Queen of Turdland how you make me giggle so! I shared this one with Steve :)
