Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1: Time for Summer

Seriously. June 1st. Wow.

Well, nothing new to report except where the heck did the last 5 months go? I'm still stuck back in December for some reason. It's strange though because I feel a sense that we are moving on, starting anew. The last few months have been focused on getting the house ready to sell, having it on the market, Hazelle in school, getting through this pregnancy, etc. Now it seems like those phases are ending and it's time for summer! (don't take the exclamation point as an indication that I'm all that excited about it, air conditioning is my BFF).

Today was the last day for our house on the market. We set this deadline for ourselves and said 'whatever will be, will be'. 'It be' that it didn't sell. And you know what? That's alright. It really was quite a learning experience. We'll know so much more for the next time. Plus it gave us so much hope & confidence that we could actually do it with two small tornadoes in the house. I think next time we'll be able to do it with three. Maybe. We had an eleventh hour showing yesterday and are waiting on feedback*. We don't expect anything to happen, but in either case, this phase will be over. Amen to not having to clean like that again for awhile!

Hazelle finished up her first year of preschool. I think it was as much of a learning experience for me as it was for her. It doesn't seem like it would make that much of an impact, but it did. We both grew up a little. It helped me settle into the role of a stay-at-home mom this past year and confirmed that trying to do this while working would have put me in a bad, bad place. At least I feel now I'm making an earnest effort to be a mom and be involved in her life. It's different than I thought and am growing more accustomed to it every day. The coolest thing is watching her open her eyes to the world. She truly is her own person. I sometimes look at her and wonder where she came from, forgetting the four years of child-rearing, it sometimes seems like we're meeting her for the first time. So goes one of the many new things you learn from your kids.

And finally, last Friday marked week number 27 in this pregnancy, which also means the beginning of the final trimester. Or better known as the beginning of the end. I received my first canisters of free formula in the mail today and find myself grunting to get up. Yes, we have reached the time when we focus on preparing for this new little girl (for those of you who didn't know, we are indeed having our third girl). She makes her presence known and I fear will be quite the dictator. She kicks to her sister's voices and makes it known when I have moved in a position she does not favor. I have a feeling she will hold her own... and probably drive me to drink.

All in all, June 1 is signaling not only the start of what is sure to be a very uncomfortably warm summer, but also one of new beginnings. For the first time in a very long time I can use the words 'optimistic', 'happy' and 'hopeful'. It feels good to let go of (most of) the anxiety and feelings of self-doubt that goes along with selling a house, being a stay-at-home mom & expecting another child. The last year has kind of proved that we, as a family, can do it... 'It' being life. I'm truly hoping some of these good feelings are permeating your life as well. I think we all could use a little sunshine.

*Feedback was good, we are#3 on their short list and delighted us by saying the words 'beautiful' & 'great space'. Also used the term 'surprised that they actually liked it'. It's still off, but who knows... maybe a meteor will hit the other two houses for sale and they will come back to ours :) Although, we're not holding our breath.

1 comment:

  1. Steph, you make me terrified AND excited about having kids everytime I read your posts. This one about Hazelle seeing the world is one of the things I most look forward to. Thanks for the these :)
