Sunday, September 19, 2010

At least I'm not depressed... yet.

Ok, yeah, it's been awhile. I can say this isn't the first post I've come up with though because technically I have about 15 more already written and titled in my head. Unfortunately that's where things have been getting stuck as my fingers have been pre-occupied changing diapers, taking meds and trying to catch up on a solid month of untouched housework. Envious huh?

Yes, on August 27th, after a mixer of 2ozs of castor oil & OJ, a few (maybe alot of) cuss words, a 3:45 am car ride listening to Lisa Loeb lullabies, a fabulous epidural & 12 minutes from 5cm to delivering... we have a wonderful new daughter. Finlay Evalyn came screaming into this world & our hearts. And as soon as I figure out how to post pics of her beautiful smile, I will. Just please don't hold your breath as it really might be a year before it happens... I'm just going by my track record. (What you can't see is Ben lecturing me on not sending out the finished birth announcements for Isla... born 2-1/2 years ago. So you see what I'm saying right?)

Finlay has been a dream child. And I can say that because Hazelle was a constantly screaming nightmare and Isla was probably about normal. I was due for a bit of a break, and I was really looking forward to this bonding time with my 3 girls at home when all hell started to break loose.

It started with the development of blood clots in my legs before I left the hospital and then a bout with post-partum preeclampsia. That was a short sentence, but it left me to be in 3 hospitals in as many days and on some serious meds. The first 2 weeks after my bundle of joy's arrival should have had me crying from lack of sleep from screaming children, but instead had my lack of sleep from nurses checking my blood pressure, drawing blood or checking my IV. It's over now, but I can honestly say it was probably one of the scariest things I've gone through in life so far.

Done. Over. Let's move on. Except in the midst of it Finlay has to go to Children's Hospital to have an ultrasound on her hip (should be just fine). Hazelle gets a staph infection in her ear (OMG, SO gross to watch what that doc pulled out of her ear. I could have made a small stinky candle) which requires 3 doctor's office visits in a week. And Isla, just over an ear infection herself comes down last night, hops in bed beside me and proceeds to vomit on both of us. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

So, I have to honestly laugh a little. With each new doctor's visit I go to, there is the regurgitation of medical history that is to be filled out in triplicate for which I almost need to do shorthand to write in the complications. Then try to explain them to the poor nurse deciphering it almost makes me appear like a nut case. The amazing part to me though is through it all, next to the question"Postpartum Depression?", I can check an honest "NO". Because having the bejeesus scared out of me honestly made me appreciate the constant chaos being at home with 3 children 4 & under entails.

Bring it on life. I have a new abounding appreciation for you & my priorities. I just have one favor to ask. Could we hold off on getting barfed again on for awhile? One more bout of that and I just might have to check that 'Yes' box. Life is good. :)

1 comment:

  1. 2 words: You're awesome. I envy you and look up to you in so many ways!
