Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crazy Cat Lady

This world of being a stay at home mom is much deeper than I ever anticipated. I got my first glimpse of it when two friends and I went to the Oprah show in March, for a taping about being a 'mommy'. A lot of the women interviewed on the show were mommy bloggers and authors. My impression was that these were go-get-em soccer moms who, like pioneer women, held the fort down, raised the kids, kept the cabin clean, had dinner on the table at 6, had their figure back after every child and found a way to make a little money from the internet. Hmmm, so... I guess not pioneer women exactly, oh well. Anyway, it gives you an idea of the distorted, unrealistic view I had. Needless to say, I am the EXACT opposite of that aforementioned description. The mere idea of doing this full time made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Fast forward two days and am in the conference room of my job getting 'laid off'. I seriously prefer this description to getting 'canned'. It just sounds nicer. So guess what I am?? STAY AT HOME MOM!!! Friends and family have been holding their breaths ever since.

That's been, oh, 7 months ago (I'll fill in the gaps for you at some point, don't worry chatty cathy here won't let you down) and I have this ephiany today. All those stay-at-homes on the Oprah show were once like ME! They didn't necessarily start blogging because they have all this wisdom to share with the world and spread peace and happiness to all they encounter. No, they just plain MISS the world! It's like having a one-sided conversation a real-life adult. One that you can cuss in front of, be a little catty to and say what's on your mind. So instead of talking to yourself or a beloved cat or two or fifty, you can 'talk' to the world. And honestly, I don't think they (me) cares if anyone even listens, I'm just having a much needed conversation! To someone who is listening! I have to think that if all those little old ladies who have a ba-zillion cats for the company had just had internet... hmm, maybe they would be blogging or on Facebook stalking their first boyfriend, instead of cleaning up after all those felines. Yes, this is my deep thought of the day. Thank you, oh internet, for intervening when you did.

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