Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I. Hate. Winter.

Hello 4 people who added me to the reading list. It's been nearly 3 months since my last post. I'm sure you missed me. If you didn't, I'm still going to pretend you did because I need the self esteem right now. (insert deep cleansing breath here)

Holy crap. Yes, I'm having a day, a moment, a month, a season, just a BAD TIME OF YEAR! Which really is disheartening because I used to love the winter months. Probably because I was inexplicably lazy. During winter, I had an excuse as to why I didn't to go outside. There were new TV shows every night. It stays dark longer and I could stay in bed all day, or lounge on the couch on the weekends. Nothing got done, but nothing got messy. I used to just exist from January until March. And I loved it.

I don't even have to tell you now why these beloved hibernation days are over. They are 1 and 4 and blond and evil. Well, today they are evil. I'm hiding on the computer as they climb the walls and destroy the little bit of housecleaning I was able to get done today. Seriously, I just looked at the living room and I'm pretty sure the girl from the Exorcist popped out of the toy chest and threw up primary color bits to every corner of the house.

I feel dangerously close to Clark Griswold's rant after he found out he wasn't getting a Christmas bonus on Christmas Vacation. I can't repeat it word for word, but I know there's a lot of bad words followed by a shot of eggnog. Too bad I hate eggnog cause I think it made him feel better.

Now I've successfully escaped for a few minutes I feel tick in my eye starting to ease. Love my kids, hate the cold inescapable winter that turns them into gremlins. Gremlins who like apples and poop every 5 minutes.

My husband just arrived home.

"Hallelujah. Holy S**t. Where's the Tylenol?"

1 comment:

  1. Is it bad that I'm laughing? I'm sorry. No. Really. To say that I can relate 100% would be a lie, but I do enjoy reading your thoughts, your words, your life. Sometimes I can relate, other times I can feel blessed and this time I can feel a since of giddiness with sadness as I ponder on the thought of having 2 kids . . . at home . . . all the time. Super bug-eyed and sweating. Shew!
