Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I'm the mom of three and wide awake at a very late hour. What's wrong with this picture? Did I mention three fast asleep children? No? Now you see how absolutely crazy it is! I got to be up in 5 hours and as my husband could attest, I'm in need of some serious beauty sleep.
Problem is, well, the darn anxiety dreams have started again. Anxiety has always been an issue with me and I feel like I've dealt with it really well in recent years. The issue comes when my conscious mind takes a backseat to the subconscious and the crazies kick in. Hence, whacked-out, heart-racing, have-me-wide-awake-and-still-not-calmed-down-an-hour-later type dreams.

People tell you that they are never sure about having a third child because you only have two arms. I take this seriously (note, I'm about to go into why my mind works the way it does, you might want to make sure you REALLY want to go there...) My mother, God love her, had a different way of parenting. She was a volunteer paramedic with the local squad. She thought it her duty to not shield us kids from anything, but instead throw us into any and all gory details and horrifying scenes of many of the worst accidents and incidents she ever encountered or heard of. Yes, she did well in the fact I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt/lifevest, know where the fire exits are, will never excessively speed, do hard core drugs and take the next 5 minutes for granted.

This could get her an Oprah award except for the fact that sometimes people (children!) are just not meant to always anticipate the worst happening. This hyper-sensitivity and still adjusting hormones, combined with a two year old who like to dart into traffic while I'm holding the four-year old's hands and carrying a heavy carseat (see, you DO only have TWO ARMS!) can send these sensibilities into over-drive causing me to wake up and panic at every creak while trying to figure out how to make a fire plan that a two year old can grasp and... have I mentioned that the neighbors tree is huge and if it fell it could land on our house... would land right in the girls' room? Oh, the crazies just start there. (Wow, did you catch the length of that run-on sentence? Seriously it's how the mind works)

Now everything you do is a matter of life or death. Like, crossing the street. Driving to school. Making dinner. If you don't have kids, you will understand it one day. If you do have kids, I hope you're nodding in understanding and not dialing the name of a psychiatrist to get me on the non-loco cocktail. It's just that in real life you have to know that life happens and you have to force yourself to do those scary things... like drive a car and take three kids to the grocery. But in sleep that darn subconscious takes over and likes to work me over.

Time to give rest another shot. Here's to hoping about dreaming about puppy dogs and chocolate chip cookies...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stef! Though we may worry about different things, I have to say I am very much the same way but only since becoming a mom. I never gave ANY thought to anything growing up (as you may well remember) but life today is a whole different story.... you are not alone, or crazy, I promise!
