Friday, December 17, 2010

Gamble Grove

The Christmas season is upon us and holiday traditions are in full swing. We are a relatively young family so we have essentially no traditions started yet, save one. Gamble Grove.

When Ben and I first starting co-habitating, we had a fairly small 2-bedroom apartment. Which, it turns out, held enough 'stuff' to fill a four-bedroom house. To say that we were limited on floor space was an understatement. So our first Christmas in this apartment brought a little 6' skinny Christmas tree, slightly fuller than the Charlie Brown version, but well along the same lines. That tree stayed with us for two years until we got married and moved into our current home. It's not a big place, but it does have 9' ceilings, which allowed us to get a slightly larger, no, taller tree to take it's place. By this time though we (I) were attached to the 6-footer so we opted to keep it and just add a 7' tree in the similar style to fill out a space a normal tree would. It was kind of cute, a his & her Christmas tree couple that represented our life at the time.

Fast forward two years from then and we were expecting our first child at Christmastime. If you ever expect a child to be born around Christmas, expect with that child about 20 'Baby's first Christmas' ornaments. So once again as our family grew, so did our tree collection , a bouncing 5' tree to put between the aging two taller trees. With green lights the little tree was decked out for baby's arrival and all her ensuing ornaments.

The decision was made the following year to go ahead and purchase 3 more trees, a 4' 3' & 2', to be set up and decked out for each child that we welcomed into the family. This year our grove grew to 5 trees. The three little ones are decked out in pink, purple and green lights and all the school glitter ornaments you could want. I love that each girl gets to take pride and ownership in her tree, proudly displaying her life to that point. Haze has started to grasp the individual tree concept, yelling at me that I keep stealing her ornaments. I was merely moving some to my tree as hers was overloaded... already... and she hasn't let me forget it.

One little tree still sits in a bin, waiting to be decorated. Although I feel this little tree would fit nicely with our family of fake firs, I don't think it will ever be decorated by its own set of little hands. Gamble Grove might have reached it's limit this year. This tradition we started is, and probably will always, be my favorite. May you and your family enjoy it's own quirky traditions as we enter this time of celebration. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. ;)

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