Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to 2011...

As many of you know (and know well), I like to tell stories. In fact, that's the biggest part I miss about being out in the world, is telling stories. Stories about my kids, my husband and especially my Mom. Boy did she produce some classics, who can forget the story about Ferd and Turd?

So this year I will try to post more and slightly shorter musings from the world of Gamble. I don't know if the stories will translate as well in writing, but they did produce a chuckle for myself at the time they occurred. Here are a few leading up to the New Year...

The other day as the girls and I were driving home from somewhere Hazelle spotted an airplane flying overhead. Not one plane makes it through our airspace without one of my children shouting 'Pain!'. Did I mention they don't say their 'L's all the time? It's cute, but I digress. Hazelle said, "Mommy, we've never been on an airplane before, could you buy us a ticket so we can ride on an airplane?" It was a thoughtful, charming and reasonable question to which I replied, "Honey, one day. Airplane tickets are expensive and we have a big family, we have to save up to buy tickets. But one day Daddy and I will take you girls on an airplane." Without skipping a beat she replied, "(exasperated sigh followed by a snarky sounding) But Mommy, I wasn't asking you to BUY the plane!" Point for the 5 year old. Well played.


After cabin fever reached its limit my husband took the older girls out for a 'walk in the nature'. It's their favorite father/daughters thing to do while Mommy gets a mental vacation at home. It was an unusually beautiful day and he took them out on a trail at a local park. As usual, they came home filthy and happy, but none more filthy than Isla. As my husband explained, "Well, out of a mile of trail there was but ONE mud puddle. I turned just in time to see Isla fall belly-first in it, completely getting herself soaked. Then your other daughter managed to step in dog crap. Congratulations Stef, you produced two children EXACTLY like you." If I didn't think I was that clumsy or hadn't stepped in more than my share of dog crap I would have protested. So, point for husband. Well played, and well put.

Happy New Year to my fellow clumsy, dog-crap stepping friends! May this year be more stable and less crappy.

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